
The Role of Manufacturing Translation in Supply Chain Management

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Manufacturing has become highly globalized and the engine that drives it is the international supply chain. For many manufacturers, their products will likely cross multiple borders and language barriers as they are produced and distributed from end to end.

When it comes to managing global supply chains one thing is constant—the ever-pressing need to solve complex problems that arise across multiple countries. In order to solve complex supply chain problems, efficient and accurate communication is vital. Manufacturing translations play a key role in fostering healthy and transparent communications throughout international supply chains.

In fact, professional manufacturing translations are critical at every stage of the supply chain–from the product design phase all the way to retail distribution and packaging. For most manufacturers nowadays, some or all of these steps along the supply chain will require high-quality translation services to keep global operations running smoothly.

In this article, we discuss three key roles that manufacturing translation plays in successful supply chain management.

Role 1: Manufacturing Translation for Legal Matters in the Supply Chain

One of the most important roles that manufacturing translation plays in supply chain management is through legal translations. International supply chain management is governed by many different laws and regulations across multiple countries.

Legal translations of manufacturing information in supply chain management takes many forms, including:

  • Translating legal documentation during every phase of the production and distribution process.
  • Ensuring supply chain compliance with local legal regulations when translating documents from one language into another.
  • Facilitating negotiation communications of supply chain contracts between two or more parties that speak different languages so that all parties have a complete understanding of the provisions they agree to.
  • If you are diversifying your supplier base (which many manufacturers are now doing), you will enter into new supplier partnerships that are backed by contractual agreements that will need to be translated, reviewed, and signed.
  • When conducting business in global supply chains, it is paramount that manufacturing companies take every measure to protect their intellectual property. Professional translation service providers can assist your attorneys with translating your patents and patent applications into different languages for countries where your products are moving in the supply chain.
Role 2: Manufacturing Translation for Finance and Business Intelligence in the Supply Chain

As manufacturing companies operate in supply chains, there are many financial transactions that take place. In many instances, language barriers can make it difficult for the accounting teams of manufacturing companies to understand key information such as the invoices they are receiving. A professional language services provider with robust experience in global supply chains can help verify that warehouse invoices and receipts are translated accurately so that manufacturing companies do not end up overpaying for products and services in their supply chains.

Beyond financial transactions that take place throughout the supply chain, there is also critical financial analysis and reporting that takes place—this is often called business intelligence (BI). Different countries report financial and business performance metrics in different ways throughout a global supply chain. For example, to develop an accurate picture of the cost structure of your supply chain, it is helpful to leverage the services of a professional manufacturing translator who can help you interpret financial performance reports written in different languages. By obtaining a clear understanding of the languages of your BI reporting across your supply chain, you can make better, more informed decisions for your manufacturing company.

Role 3: Manufacturing Translation for Marketing and Operations in the Supply Chain

In addition to legal and financial translations, there are many different types of manufacturing translations related to operations and marketing in the global supply chain. When it comes to being efficient in the marketing and operations of your global supply chains, collaboration is key. Meetings with new members of your team in different countries will often require the skills of a professional language services provider. These manufacturing translation services will serve as a real-time mediator for team members who speak different languages.

The reality is operating your business internationally will require the sincere cultivation of key relationships with supply chain partners in different countries. Without a trusted translation service provider, miscommunications and misunderstandings can occur, which can create unnecessary confusion, decrease efficiency, and even cause mistrust and the cessation of the relationship.

If you are in the process of expanding into new countries, the failure to leverage manufacturing translation services can prove detrimental to your newly formed supply chain and the workers with boots on the ground in different countries that are making and shipping your products. For these reasons, investing in high quality manufacturing translation services will prove to be a great long-term investment by ensuring your young international supply chain matures successfully.

In terms of the specific marketing and operations manufacturing translations that are performed in global supply chains, there are many examples, including:

  • Standard operating procedure (SOP) manuals to ensure products are manufactured according to design requirements and safety standards
  • Product design files such as CAD, DWG, DXF, DGN, Structured FrameMaker, and DITA
  • Marketing and operations content housed in CMS, PIM, and DMS systems
  • Product spec sheets and parts lists
  • Training manuals and eLearning programs for international team members
  • Marketing and sales presentations
  • Translation and localization of product packaging and instruction manuals for each distribution market

All of these examples of documentation require professional and accurate translations so that suppliers, international team members, and consumers will be able to read and understand your information in their spoken languages.

World-Class Manufacturing Translation Across Your Supply Chain with Translation Source

In the big picture, if you are a manufacturing company that operates a global supply chain, having a translation partner that you trust will be one of your biggest assets over the long term. Your translation services provider will act as an extension of your team as you solve complex supply chain problems together across different languages and countries.

As you search for a trusted language services provider, it is important to understand that not all translators have the skill and experience in manufacturing translations. Navigating the terminology, cultures, and languages of global supply chains requires many years of experience and specialized training. For these reasons, it is imperative that you work with a translation service provider that has a track record of successful experience in manufacturing translation. It is not enough to simply know the language. Your translation partner needs to have the nuanced experience that is necessary to know the ins and outs of the technical aspects of supply chain translations involving legal, financial, and operational knowledge.

At Translation Source, we are proven experts in delivering professional manufacturing translation services to supply chains throughout the world. Our team of manufacturing and supply chain translation specialists is ready to serve all your manufacturing translation needs.

If you’d like to learn more about how Translation Source can provide your manufacturing company with the high-quality translations needed to run your supply chain, contact us today!

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